
Yii Caching example

In order to use caching in yii framework you need define in main.php file and choose type of caching. Here are some examples.

Normal data caching
  1. // data cache
  2. public function actionCache()
  3. {
  4.     $cache = Yii::app()->cache;
  5.     //get cache
  6.     $time = $cache->get('cache_key');
  7.     //if cache is gone.
  8.     if (false === $time){  
  9.       //set cache
  10.       $cache->set('cache_key',time(),30);
  11.       $time = $cache->get('cache_key');
  12.     }
  13.     echo $time;
  14. }

Fregment data caching
  1. // fregment data cache
  2. public function actionCache()
  3. {
  4.   if ($this->beginCache('cache_key',
  5.   array('duration'=>60,
  6.         'dependency'=>array(
  7.       'class'=>'system.caching.dependencies.CDbCacheDependency',//you must have db set here
  8.       'sql'=>'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  `user`',//you must have db set here
  9.   ),
  10.   'varyByParam'=>array('id'),//cache by $_GET['id']
  11.   ))){
  12.       echo 'cache_key'.time();
  13.       echo @$_GET['id'];
  14.       echo ' <hr /> ';
  15.       $this->endCache();
  16.   }
  17. }

Page Cache
  1. public function filters()
  2. {
  3.     return array(
  4.         array('COutputCache + PageCache', 'duration'=>30,'varyByParam'=>array('id')),
  5.     );
  6. }
  7. public function actionCache()
  8. {
  9.     $this->render('pageCache');
  10. }

It's easy to use, just to be a bit change. More about yii caching visit this: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/caching.overview

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